Software Testing Based on Research: A Road Map

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Omar Salim Abdulla
Bahaa Abdul Qader Thabit
Ghazwan Ahmed Al-Zaidi

Under a creative commons Licenses


This paper serves as a guide for both researchers and students who are new to the research area of Search-Based Package Testing. The application of metaheuristic explore methods in this context specifically pertains to utilizing these algorithms for generating test data. In the realm of software engineering research, software testing emerges as a robust and fertile ground for exploration. The integration of AI methods into software program testing is an evolving research direction. Often, newcomers to this field face challenges due to limited knowledge about the interaction between software testing and artificial intelligence. This paper aims to provide a roadmap for these new researchers or students in the field. 


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How to Cite
O. Salim Abdulla, B. . Abdul Qader Thabit, and G. . Ahmed Al-Zaidi, “Software Testing Based on Research: A Road Map”, ejeee, vol. 1, pp. 24–31, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.62909/ejeee.2023.005.


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