Tilos Island's ideal microgrid size for wind, solar, and batteries

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Yousif Ali Latif Al-Zuhairy
Faraqid Q. Mohammed

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This article describes a power plant that is versatile regarding its modeling and associated with a Multiple Objectives Particle Swarm optimization in order to determine the optimal size of each component of the power plant. The simulation is appropriate for a variety of power sources, storage devices and loads. The method is utilized on a Wind Turbine/ Photovoltaic Device/ Battery System setup located in Tilos, Greece. The optimization is intended to reduce the expense of the system and the energy derived from alternative sources that are not renewable. The results produce a Pareto front that represents the expense of the equipment and the degree of autonomy of the micro-grid. The most effective solution to a specific expense associated with energy importation is demonstrated as an example. 


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How to Cite
Y. Ali Latif Al-Zuhairy and F. Q. Mohammed, “Tilos Island’s ideal microgrid size for wind, solar, and batteries”, ejeee, vol. 1, pp. 11–16, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.62909/ejeee.2023.003.