Load Frequency Control for Hybrid Power System by Modified PSO-PID Controller

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Mahmood Hasan Alhafadhi
Mustafa Jamal Ahmed
Husam Hamid Ibrahim

Under a creative commons Licenses


With a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller, the effectiveness of load frequency control (LFC) for separated a variety of electric power-generating devices is described. In the structure under study, a thermal and hydro power producing unit is combined. In order to maintain system efficiency in the event of an unexpected demand on the power structure, the PID controller is suggested as a secondary regulator. The suggested PID controller's optimum gain settings are found using the modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) technique. The controller increase settings were optimized using a variety of cost functions, namely integral time absolute error (ITAE), integral absolute error (IAE), integral squared error (ISE), and integral time squared error (ITSE). Additionally, the efficiency evaluation of traditional PID controllers for a comparable system utilizing the differential evolution (DE) algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA) demonstrates the improvement of the MPSO approach. The findings demonstrate that in an electrical crisis, the MPSO-PID controller provides a quicker stabilized reaction and that the suggested technique's percent increase over the traditional way is over GA and over DE.


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M. H. Alhafadhi, M. J. Ahmed, and H. H. Ibrahim, “Load Frequency Control for Hybrid Power System by Modified PSO-PID Controller”, ejeee, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 35–41, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.62909/ejeee.2024.006.


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