https://doi.org/10.62909/ejeee.2024.008 Edison Journal for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
An Examination of Optimization Techniques for Resolving Hy-
dro Generation Scheduling Issues
Bassam Mohsin Atiyah
and Anwar H. Hameed
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Ma-
laysia; bassamatiyah@student.usm.my
Department of Power and Electrical Machines, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran; hus-
* Correspondence: Tel.: +7-9312449642
Abstract: Hydropower plants' optimal scheduling of energy (OSE) is a crucial component of electric
power systems and is a topic of intense academic investigation. Compared to other sustainable
power sources, hydropower has a negligible impact on the environment and society. The goal of the
three-time period hydro scheduling (TPHS) challenges is to maximize energy generation by exploit-
ing the accessible possible within a certain term of time by optimizing the power generating schedule
of the available hydropower units. First, a variety of conventional optimization techniques are of-
fered to help solve the TPHS problem. Recently, a number of optimization techniques were used to
determine the best solution for the energy production scheduling of hydro systems. These tech-
niques were allocated as a technique rely on involvements. This article provides a thorough analysis
of the application of numerous techniques to obtain the OSE of hydro units via looking at the tech-
niques used from different angles. The best answers from a variety of meta-heuristic optimization
procedures are determined for a range of experience situations. The methods that are offered are
contrasted according to this particular research, parameter limitations, optimization strategies, and
primary objective consideration. The majority of prior research has concentrated on hydro schedul-
ing, which is according to a reservoir of hydroelectric units. Issues of forthcoming studieswhich
are outlined as the main concern surrounding the TPHS problemare also taken into account.
Keywords: hydropower; generations; scheduling
1. Introduction
The need for power has grown throughout time, leading to the construction of sev-
eral power generating facilities. Scholars in the field of power systems study the optimal
scheduling of energy (OSE) of available generation systems, which is considered an im-
portant topic [1, 2].
The OSE of cascaded hydropower facilities is driven by three-time period term hydro
scheduling (TPHS) optimization issues to match load demand in a way that minimizes all
operating expenses while taking a variety of limitations into account [3]. Under a variety
of hydro unit constraints, such as the balance between water and power, water release
limitations, storage capacity restrictions, and power output limitations, the TPHS problem
should be optimized. Moreover, the TPHS optimization issue is characterized as non-lin-
ear and non-convex by the unexpected fluctuation of input parameters, losses of electrical
energy program from power production systems, and compound hydraulic connections
[4, 5]. An example of an architecture for producing hydroelectric power is shown in Figure
Citation: B. M. Atiyah and A. H.
Hameed, An Examination of Optimi-
zation Techniques for Resolving Hy-
dro Generation Scheduling Issues.
Edison Journal for Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, 2024. 2: p.
Academic Editor: Assoc. Prof. (Dr.)
N. Manoj Kumar
Received: 25/10/2024
Revised: 17/11/2024
Accepted: 6/12/2024
Published: 13/12/2024
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license
2024, Vol.2 51 of 56
Figure 1. hydropower Production Schedule Modelling and Solutions Approaches
For a number of decades, scholars have been particularly interested in the OSE of
hydro parts, which is a crucial field of research. Several optimization techniques have been
proposed to address this challenging issue. These include mixed, which predictable, and
heuristic optimization techniques as well as traditional mathematical optimization tech-
niques. For example, the short-term hydro scheduling (STHS) issue can be optimally
solved by first applying the concept of the quantity at danger, followed by a maximum
amount theory-genetic algorithm (GA) [6], non-linear programming frameworks for ac-
quiring rules of operation with various characteristics [7], and mixed-integer linear pro-
gramming (MILP) [8]. Secondly, real-time optimization [9], an assessment technique [10],
dual dynamic programming (DDP), and stochastic DDP [11] are used to the mid-term
hydro scheduling issue. In addition, a number of approaches have been explored to ad-
dress the long-term hydro scheduling problem: separate different dynamic programming
(DP) and parallel separate differential dynamic programming [12], traditional particle
swarm optimization (PSO), the total learning of the PSO and enhanced in general acquir-
ing of the PSO [13], separate different dynamic programming and uniform DP [14], a cost-
paid yearly optimization simulation based on discrete DP and the MILP [15], and a multi-
objective complex development worldwide optimization technique with main factor in-
vestigation and a congestion space operator have been tried as well.
Using the benchmark operations, a comparison of the suggested approachesthe
multi-objective GA, the multi-objective imitation annealing technique, the multi-objective
PSO technique, the multifaceted differential evolutionary technique, and the traditional
multi-objective complex development global optimization methodhas been demon-
strated [16]. The gravity search method based on collective interactions and the gravity
rule was just released. For solving benchmarking functions, the algorithm's effectiveness
is contrasted with that of the original GA. Additionally, other heuristic, meta-heuristic,
and mathematical techniques are acknowledged as experience-based techniques.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Examine the Methods
The main reason optimum hydro generation is challenging is that choices must be
made in actual time. The optimization issue comprises state-variables, such reservoir wa-
ter level, and random, weather-dependent factors, like water flow, that are particularly
efficient. As a result, the entire multifaceted optimization challenge is broken down into
smaller issues. Long-, mid-, and short-term parts are routinely broken down, and a rem-
edy is developed using predetermined approaches for every issue [17].
it makes handling the relevant calculations challenging.
2024, Vol.2 52 of 56
2.2 Short-Term Schedule Optimization
This investigation demonstrates why the recommended strategy, which includes a
water wait interval, may improve schedule utilization's practical viability and profitabil-
ity. A contemporary method for mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINP) was pre-
sented by ref. [18], which considered a non-linear equation for the discharge of water and
the net head. Due to the greater degree of accurate modelling, a better method is used,
and it is favorably applied to transmitted hydro subunits while ignoring the computa-
tional cost constraint. In addition to head reliance, irregular operation zones and water
release constraints are also taken into account by ref. [19]. The numerical findings demon-
strate the recommended technique's excellent efficacy. Furthermore, considering the head
dependency, ref. [20] offer a novel nonlinear approach to the hydro schedule issue with
fulfilled restrictions. The outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the recommended ir-
regular approach.
A model for practical probabilistic hydroelectric scheduling has been proposed by
ref. [21]. The suggested method is predicated on chaotic sequential.
In [22]improved the top people in the socialization technique with differential evolu-
tion (DE) by using the population's initialization phase. It makes more sense to select a
method of operation where the total height of the water for hydropower production is
enhanced and split cheaply for plant internal operation in order to maintain a continuous
water release operation. In [23] proposed a mixed method that solves the related issues of
unit commitment and dispatching economic loads by combining the multi-ant colony en-
ergy units with the DE approach. The results of the simulation show that the recom-
mended method for water discharge has the best convergence characteristics and compu-
tational efficiency with reduced consumption. In [24], examined the usage of many groups
to satisfy system demands while using less water for every created item. The reservoir'
basic and ultimate conditions had been satisfied.
A flexible generating stream strategy has been proposed by Jiayang et al. [40] utiliz-
ing the reservoir's constantly organizing net head of water and the number of waters con-
sumed. The outcomes demonstrate that this novel strategy can enhance cascaded hydro-
power plants synthesized generating utilization. The multi-objective optimum peak shav-
ing method was developed by ref [25]. In order to divide the plant's power across specific
power lines, it must minimize its maximum residual loads per power network. A real-life
instance demonstrates that the planned method is practical, adjustable, and powerful to
effectively achieve outcomes that are almost ideal. A real bipolar bee colony optimization
technique was proposed by ref. [26] and is utilized to address the unit commitment and
financial load distribution concurrent sub-problems. The outcomes of the experiment
demonstrate that the recommended method may generate top-advantage answers while
lowering water use and computation time. A competent model that takes the form of a
mixed-integer quadratic programmed was proposed by ref. [27]. It demonstrates a trou-
ble-stage technique rely on a price investigation that generates quick, almost optimal so-
lutions for real-world situations. A framework for hydropower request based on the OSE
from a stochastic model has been offered by ref. [28]. They also provided an algorithmic
technique for shrinking the offer matrices to a size that the market operators would like.
The findings demonstrate why uncontrolled imports could alter bidding.
2.3 Enhancement of Interim Planning
The ideal organization of hydroelectric assets was discussed by ref. [29] according to
maximizing a provider's predicted earnings. Production and future agreements for each
period of time are the choice factors. A probabilistic self-scheduling approach for a hydro
price supplier was provided by ref. [30]. The seller wants to maximise daily marketplace
income. The outcomes point to the potential for obtaining a special business solver. In
order to prevent revenue volatility, ref. [31] suggested an original approach to demand
volatility, which is offered in a prototype that uses price plans and threat control via the
notion of dependent matter at chance. In addition, hydropower providers' pools
2024, Vol.2 53 of 56
contributions and plant schedule are taken into consideration simultaneously to offer an
acceptable option for cascading hydropower complexes.
2.4 Enhancement of Extended-Term Scheduling
In order to minimise the total costs of energy production, ref. [32] suggested a re-
stricted Markov choice strategy for controlling the water release to complete water collec-
tion requirements and the design needs for electric energy. The activity, as well as the
competence of the configuration and the solution approach, are demonstrated by numer-
ical results. The Markovian stochastic DP was introduced by ref. [33] through the model-
ling of monthly discharges using probability allocation processes. The findings show that
the frequency of steady and suggested programmed development is identical compara-
A novel chaotic GA was proposed by ref. [34]. The findings indicate that the median
annual energy is the highest while its convergence rate is faster than both the GA and the
DP. As a result, the solution-based method is practical and effective for the combined res-
ervoir units' best feasible operations. A novel chaotic PSO method was proposed by ref.
[35], who also compared the effectiveness of single to tribble dimensional muddled dia-
grams within the normal range. Validations and arithmetic findings demonstrate the im-
pact and efficiency of several processes for a truthful hydro-system. With the goal of
achieving a consistent and optimal level of power generation utilization, in [36] concen-
trated on improving the optimization model through the application of the PSO and Fire-
fly Algorithm (FA) techniques. The outcomes demonstrate the FA's superiority, compe-
tence, and resilience. They have also devised a novel plan to enhance PSO and FA through
the use of serial subdivision. The outcomes demonstrate the power, excellent effective-
ness, and robustness of the Series Division Firefly Algorithm [36]. A method for multi-
core parallel PSO was put forward by ref. [35]. The outcomes demonstrate the best pro-
duction's increased reliability, low execution cost, and effectiveness. The suggested ap-
proach has a good chance of operating at its best in the years to come.
in [37, 38], it presented new ideas including a Tabu search technique for producing
potential solutions with a configurable stage vector direction. The statistical findings show
that the presented method is better than alternatives.
For the scenario where the release arrives as probability density functions via multi-
commodity net releases, in [38] used stochastic discharge. It's been shown that difficulties
involving many reservoir units with insufficient dependance on releases can also be ade-
quately modelled. A model centered around maximizing production while accounting for
spot market costs was developed by ref. [39]. The outcome demonstrates how to carry out
the water value management calculations. A multi-phase stochastic MIP prototype that
includes a choice made at the recent surcharge period and a tougher determination made
later was reported by ref. [40]. Since it is intended to be used during the winter, it takes
deterministic water discharge into account and handles cost as a stochastic parameter.
In an excellent market, it has been suggested linear determination practices that max-
imize the demand expense from the power display deal. Both reservoirs' releases and
market prices take the uncertainty notion into account. The outcomes demonstrate how
effectively the recommended estimate can lower the computational complexity. Water
discharge was taken into account by ref. [41] as an additional case variable to ascertain the
issue in the scenario definition. The water discharge results as a state variable do not show
a significant impact on the anticipated annual earnings; nonetheless, guaranteed differ-
ences are noted for specific time periods of the year that may demonstrate their consider-
ation in shorter term prospects.
The goal of ref. [42] was to investigate the potential for load demands and the pro-
duction of electricity. The findings demonstrate that when energy production and load
demands are integrated in the planning, a system's affordability grows.
2024, Vol.2 54 of 56
5. Conclusions
Heuristic optimization techniques are among the many optimization methods that
are used to address the hydro system's optimal scheduling of energy (OSE). The TPHS
optimization problem's goal function definition demonstrates the many discrepancies and
groups associated with hydroelectric power systems. This article provides a comprehen-
sive and updated overview of the optimization process performance for the hydro sched-
uling explanation, looking at methods from several angles. This article examines the prin-
ciples of several optimization techniques for resolving the hydro scheduling issue, as well
as unique algorithmic parameters. Numerous techniques address statistical analysis of the
obtained OSE of hydro tonic remedies, taking into consideration multiple case studies.
The paper examines the qualitative and numerical evaluation of the several optimization
strategies for the hydro scheduling issue. It might be very helpful to academic writers who
are working to solve the TPHS trouble and are constrained by the use of optimization
More realistically, the OSE of hydro and thermal systems in irregular present influ-
ence stream may be solved; this could be the subject of future studies in the area. Hydro
system scheduling could prove more beneficial and required if alternative sustainable en-
ergy sources, such as wind and solar power, were taken into account. These resources are
now managed through the use of optimization techniques. Further research on the effects
of driven water stowage on the resolution of the TPHS issue could be conducted in the
years to come.
Acknowledgments: All authors would like to convey their genuine appreciation to their universi-
ties for providing scientific searching support form multi sides.
Conflicts of Interest: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
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