https://doi.org/10.62909/ejeee.2023.005 Edison Journal for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Software Testing Based on Research: A Road Map
Omar Salim Abdulla 1, *, , Bahaa Abdul Qader Thabit 2, and Ghazwan Ahmed Al-Zaidi2,
1 Bilad Al-Rafidain university college, Diyala 32001, Iraq; dr.omersalim@bauc14.edu.iq
2 Institute of Graduate studies and Research, Alexandria university, Egypt; igsr.BahaaThabet@alexu.edu.eg
3 Faculty of Information Science & Technology, UKM, Malaysia; P105672@siswa.ukm.edu.my
* Correspondence: Tel.: +964-7740219350
Abstract: This paper serves as a guide for both researchers and students who are new to the research
area of Search-Based Package Testing. The application of metaheuristic explore methods in this con-
text specifically pertains to utilizing these algorithms for generating test data. In the realm of soft-
ware engineering research, software testing emerges as a robust and fertile ground for exploration.
The integration of AI methods into software program testing is an evolving research direction. Of-
ten, newcomers to this field face challenges due to limited knowledge about the interaction between
software testing and artificial intelligence. This paper aims to provide a roadmap for these new
researchers or students in the field.
Keywords: SBSE; AI; Software Testing
1. Introduction
Relatively, Search-based software engineering SBSE is one of the new exploration
projects filed. Where, the first publication used this term published by Mark Harman in
2001 in [1]. SBSE terms consist of two parts as the prefix “S” represent the word “Search”
which refers to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the suffix “BSE” refers to the software
engineering part. Recently, AI used widely in most of the software engineering lifecycle
as an automation process such as in the software testing which is our concern in this pa-
The application of AI methods in computer software challenging involves utilizing
search algorithms to generate and optimize test data for testing purposes. Just as SBSE
serves as a prefix for search-based software engineering, SBST denotes the use of search
algorithms in software testing. SBST can be broadly categorized into two main directions.
First, is the white-box software testing and second, the black-box software testing. In
white-box and some researchers address it as structural testing, the tester tests the entire
of the software component one by one as the conditions statement or the loop statement.
Unlike the structural testing, the black box testing or the functional testing, tester don’t
care about the software components. The tester in functional testing care about the soft-
ware functions only by giving an input and examine the output regardless how this out-
put generated.
This paper represents a roadmap for all the new searchers or student in the SBST
research field. The remaining sections of the paper are structured as trails, an introduction
about the term Search Based Software Engineering “SBSE”, is represented in section 1.
The most well-known software testing approaches in section 2, Search-Based Software
Testing SBST discussed in section 3 and evolutionary examination data creation tech-
niques in section 4.
2. Materials and Methods
Citation: Abdulla, O.S., B.A.Q.
Thabit, and G.A. Al-Zaidi, Software
Testing Based on Research: A Road
Map. Edison Journal for electrical
and electronics engineering, 2023. 1:
p. 24-31.
Academic Editor: Dr. Mohd Hasan
Received: 24/10/2023
Revised: 27/11/2023
Accepted: 5/12/2023
Published: 10/12/2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license
EJEEE 2023, Vol.1 25 of 31
The term of Search Based Software Engineering SBSE was first time initiated by Mark
Harman [2]. Where the word “search” refers to use the metaheuristic search techniques.
The term SBSE in generally mean reformulating the problem of software engineering as
search problem (optimization problem). Software engineering generally like other filed
were, the software engineer looking for near optimal solution for the software engineering
problem with acceptable forbearance. Hence, the problem of software engineering can be
perfect application for metaheuristic search algorithm in various software engineering
problem. Search based software engineering SBSE addressed various types of engineering
problem according to publication of which represent comprehensive and rich content
about SBSE, there is concretion about different categories and application of software en-
gineering problem tackled as search as an optimization problem. It has been highlighted
these application examples as [2]:
- Testing and debugging: examples in [3, 4].
- Requirements engineering: [5]..
- Project planning and cost estimation: [1, 6].
- Automated maintenance: [7].
- Service oriented software engineering: [8]
In addition, there are extra software engineering applications used as case studies for
search-based optimization techniques can be seen in [9, 10]. It has been explained the
growth in publication over time in the in search-based software engineering [11].
Recent approaches tends to achieve higher levels in terms of Search based software
testing where, some recent publication discussed testing the software in terms of many
testing objectives in addition to code coverage level. It has been stated a research question
“However, is high code coverage alone sufficient to detect bugs effectively?”. They intro-
duced a predictive many-objective sorting algorithm (PreMOSA) that combines defect
prediction information with coverage details to determine optimal areas for enhancing
test coverage within the class under test (CUT).. [12]
Another tends in the SBST field is the use of automated and manual fitness function
design in order to guide the search exploration toward the software failure. It has been
proposed an approach based on automated and manual fitness function design for SBST
technique named as ATheNA testing framework. According to the experimental test, they
stated that ATheNA-S generated more failure-revealing test cases than two baseline SBST
frameworks [13].
Different software testing techniques reported in the literature in the recent years. In
this research article, we refers the reader to the most important articles from our overview
as [14-16].
Research manuscripts reporting large datasets that are deposited in a publicly avail-
able database should specify where the data have been deposited and provide the relevant
accession numbers. If the accession numbers have not yet been obtained at the time of
submission, please state that they will be provided during review. They must be provided
prior to publication.
Interventionary studies involving animals or humans, and other studies that require
ethical approval, must list the authority that provided approval and the corresponding
ethical approval code.
In software testing, there is some points have to be token in consideration, especially
what associated with the input test cases. Where, the huge number of the possible test
cases can be an input to test the software. That led the tester to decide how to test the
software in order to reduce the testing cost by find minimum number of test cases satisfy
the test goals. For this purpose, there is common methodologies applied in software test-
ing. In this paper, we will address two of them as first is white box testing and the second
as black box testing.
EJEEE 2023, Vol.1 26 of 31
3.2.1 White (structural) Box Testing
In this approach, testing process is deriving test inputs from the internal structure of
the software under test [17]. This approach treating the software as group of structure
such as branches, paths and statement. Every structure considered as coverage criteria.
Where, coverage criteria such as, branch coverage, statement coverage or any others es-
tablished as testing goal to be satisfied. This approach concern on test a predetermined
coverage criteria (branch, as example) through executing this structure wherever found.
i. Control flow graph (CFG)
Control flow graph is another representation for software where, it is describing the
software as set of Nods (N) connected by Edges (E). Control flow graph for program P
starts by unique starting node s and ends by another unique node as exit node x. Each
node n N represent a statement in the program P. Also, each e = (ni , nj) E represent
transfer between the node ni to nj . Branching nods represent the statements have deci-
sion in the program P such as (if statement, while statement...). Simple example for source
code and its control flow graph shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. CFG example
ii. Coverage criteria
The idea behind identifying the coverage criteria in structural test data generation is
to convert these criterions as an objective function. Mainly, the coverage criterions are
statement, branch, and condition [18]. For example, if the tests goals are the branch cov-
erage, the objective function will design to generate test data can cover as much as possible
branches in the software under test.
2.3 Black (functional) Box Testing
In this approach of testing tester have no knowledge about the inner framework of
the software being examined. Tester have two features can employ in testing, the test in-
puts and the output. Input is the sequence of test case, which can be valid, or not. The only
knowledge about the validity of the test input can verified from the observation of the
tester for the output result. Output of testing process (tester have the expected out form
the specification of the software under test) will reflect the result of testing as shown in
figure 2 [19].
EJEEE 2023, Vol.1 27 of 31
Figure 2. Black box testing scheme
Software testing and particularly test data generation is complex and undecidable
problem especially when the software is large and complicated. Therefore, the automation
of test generation is required. Search-Based Software Testing SBST is the term of using
metaheuristic search algorithm in generating set of data as software test inputs. It is only
an example of Search-Bases Software Engineering SBSE. The relation between the artificial
intelligence search algorithms with the software testing shown in figure 3.
Figure 3. Relation between the artificial intelligence search algorithms with the
software testing
3. Results
Recently, several approaches applied in order to automate the process of test data
generation. An exhaustive description for the current techniques can be found in the
works [20]. From one hand, our concentration in this work will be on the techniques,
which consider the metaheuristic search algorithm to generate optimal set of test data in
order to maximize structural code coverage. On the other hand, there are some classifica-
tions of the most widely applied according to objective functions used. In general, test
generation techniques can be categorized into static and dynamic structural test data gen-
eration [21]. Figure 4 depicts the categorization of evolutionary structural test generation
5.1 Coverage-Oriented-Approach
In this approach, the idea is rewarding the solution according to the covered struc-
tures of the software under test. In [22], introduced this approach by rewarding the in-
dividuals which covering biggest number of program structures, which selected as cov-
erage criterion. In addition, attempt to achieve full path coverage by penalizes the solu-
tions that follow the path that already covered in order to cover the path uncovered yet.
EJEEE 2023, Vol.1 28 of 31
This approach is not always efficient because it is lack for guidance because where, there
is no guarantee to cover the structures, which not covered by chance [21].
a. Structure Oriented
With structure-oriented approaches, the main idea behind these approaches is to be
dealing with the program structures required to cover in separates in order to obtain full
coverage. The search separated for each uncovered structure independently. Based on the
information utilized in this approach to guide the search through the objective function,
the approach can be classified into branch-distance-oriented and control-oriented.
Figure 4. Evolutionary Structural Test Data Generation Techniques Classification
b. Branch-Distance-Oriented
According to the information of branch predicates, objective function guides the
search in order to generate set of data cover the branches uncovered yet. Where, the ob-
jective function value show how the input far from the required value which make the
branch predicate true or false according to test goals. Branch distance objective function
example for the branch predicate if (a<b) can be calculated by rearranging this predicate
into another mathematic form (b-a). The work of [23] applied branch distance function in
order to generate test data for testing software program and later many works follow the
same method. The paper [24] gives explanation of similar works.
c. Control-oriented-Approach
In this approach, the objective function takes into consideration the execution of
branching nodes. Branching nodes execution will executed in way that can led to execute
the desired structures. The idea her is to generate set of data can exercise the nodes which
control the structures which tester want to test. This approach applied in loop and branch-
ing nodes in the work [25].
d. Combined Control and Branch Distance
In this approach, the branch distance and the control information will be considering
to the fitness function. In this approach, the control nodes determining the target structure
are identified. The generated solution then selects one of the branch predicates in the crit-
ical branch, and the distance function is computed accordingly. The work of [26] used the
objective function combined from the control nodes and branch distance to evaluate the
generated test data.
5. Conclusions
Search-based software testing is a notable instance within the broader domain of
search-based software engineering, representing a significant and crucial research area. In
this paper, research roadmap introduced in order to guide the researchers and students
in the search-based software testing research field. In the paper, essential terms and tech-
niques highlighted to explain the main meaning of using the search algorithm in software
EJEEE 2023, Vol.1 29 of 31
testing activities. In the future work, we tend to be more specific in covering the research
work on the structural software testing through explaining the main techniques used, the
objective function and the components of the software need test.
Conflicts of Interest: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
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