Edison Journal for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Triple-Level Single-Ended Main Inductor Converter (SeMLC)
with regard to Wind-Solar Hybrid Energies
Ariep Jaenul
and Ban Najm Abdullah Altameemi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global Univer-
sity, Depok, Indonesia;
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania;
Abstract: An output from a DC-to-DC converter that can be more or less than its input is called a
Single-Ended Main Inductor Converter (SeMLC). Nevertheless, there is more switching stress in
this dual-level SEMIC, which raises switching losses. This rise in switching loss causes the power
converter's efficiency to drop. This research suggests a Triple stage SeMIC with lower switching
losses to get over this drawback. Using a lower rated switch, Triple level SEMIC increases power
efficiency. There is a description of a control method that balances the voltage of the capacitor to
avoid damaging the power switch. The suggested converter also lessens the ripple in inductor cur-
rent in the output inductor. Triple level SeMIC uses a hybrid wind-solar energy system as a source.
The benefits of the suggested converter are emphasized by discussing the simulation results of both
dual- and Triple-level SeMIC.
Keywords: Hybrid Energy; Solar; Wind Power; Single-Ended Main Inductor Converter (SeMLC)
1. Introduction
One kind of DC/DC converter that can provide an outcome that is greater or lower
than the input amount is the Single-Ended Main Inductor Converter (SeMLC). To sepa-
rate the input from the output, it makes use of a series capacitor. SeMIC converters' little
effort current undulation and energy up/down abilities have made them useful in a vari-
ety of industries. The voltage pressure athwart the switches in a dual-level SeMIC con-
verter is equal to the sum of the input voltage (Vi) and output voltage (Vo). Thus, the
voltage is under more stress every time the input voltage rises. The overall efficiency of
the power converter is reduced as a result of this maximum pressure increasing switching
fatalities athwart the switches [1-3].
Triple level SeMIC converters have been designed to address these switching draw-
backs. Two parallel capacitors and two series switches are used in these inverters. We can
get the total dc link voltage with the aid of these series capacitors [4, 5]. Recently, an iso-
lated Triple-level SeMIC converter was created; nevertheless, the setup costs rise since
two transformers are needed [6]. Just half of the total input and output voltage is exerted
on the switches in Triple level converters. The operational point of the converter can be
ascertained with the use of a PWM SeMIC that has both linked and independent inductors
functioning continuously [5].
Because solar energy is pure and endless in nature, it is a sort of renewable energy
that is becoming more and more popular. The two most popular ones in use are Free-
standing and Network Linked [7]. For energy storage, a battery charger is necessary for a
PV solo system. A SeMIC converter may be employed to determine this [8]. Another way
to set up a PV generation system is to use a hybrid Triple-level dc-dc converter [5, 9].
Because of its low current input fluctuation and low output voltage fluctuation among
Citation: Jaenul, A. and B.N.A. Al-
tameemi, Triple-Level Single-Ended
Main Inductor Converter (SeMLC)
with regard to Wind-Solar Hybrid
Energies. Edison Journal for electrical
and electronics engineering, 2024. 2:
p. 20-26
Academic Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Shahad Nidhal Al-yousif
Received: 9/3/2024
Revised: 19/4/2024
Accepted: 26/4/2024
Published: 2/5/2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license