Edison Journal for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fuel Cells with Proton Exchange Membrane Modeling and Con-
trol Techniques
Lalitesh Kumar Singh 1, *, , Qahtan Adnan Jameel 2,
1 chief executive officer, Vision Robotic India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, India.;
2 Dep. of computer and communication engineering, Islamic University of Lebanon, Lebanon;
* Correspondence: Tel.: +91-9899744637
Abstract: Comprehensive mathematical models with three distinct controllers (PID, FOPID, and
fuzzy + PID) for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) are constructed in this work. The models are
made to indirectly control the input hydrogen mass flow rate in order to set the output voltage of
the PEMFCs at a predetermined value. The simulation results demonstrate how effectively the es-
tablished model fits the task of characterizing a PEFC's performance. While the developed control-
lers are capable of stabilizing voltage, the fuzzy + PID controller performs better, exhibiting a re-
duced overshoot and a faster response time.
Keywords: fuzzy + PID controller; fuzzy + PID controller; FOPID controller; modeling
1. Introduction
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells, or PEFCs, have shown to be the best option for auto-
motive, stationary, and portable applications because of its great durability, low operating
temperature, and high-power density [1, 2].
In order to assess and forecast the behavior of the system and to maximize its output
performance, modeling studies and control strategies for PEFCs are crucial [3]. In ref. [4],
temperature regulation in a system model is achieved by employing traditional PID con-
trollers to enhance the PEFC dynamic stack behavior. A FOPID controller is employed in
ref. [5] to improve the PEFC's dynamic performance and efficiency. Fuzzy logical control
theory is applied in ref. [6] to optimize the PEFC system under high temperature condi-
An adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) is used in ref. [7] to obtain good control
effects for PEFC voltage control in the presence of fluctuations. Though very little research
has been done to compare the various controllers described above, each has been re-
searched in the past. A thorough mathematical model for perovskite energy converters
(PEFCs) is developed in this paper. More importantly, three distinct controllers—PID,
fuzzy + PID, and FOPID—are designed concurrently to control the PEFC system and
maintain a constant output voltage. Their various features and benefits are thoroughly
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Static Model Electrochemical Equations
In this work, several necessary presumptions are taken into consideration for a more
practical examination of the PEFC models. These include perfect reactant gases, pure hy-
drogen as fuels, consistent temperature throughout the fuel cell, and the disregard of
Citation: L. Kumar Singh and. Q.
Adnan Jameel, “Fuel Cells with Pro-
ton Exchange Membrane Modeling
and Control Techniques”, ejeee, vol.
2, no. 1, pp. 1–5, Jan. 2024
Academic Editor: Prof. Dr. Omar Mo-
hammed Al-Shuja'a
Received: 2/11/2023
Revised: 10/12/2023
Accepted: 3/1/2024
Published: 15/1/2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license